Month: August 2009

  • Cellulitis – The worst infection you’ve never heard of.

    Last Tuesday I woke up with the worlds worst flu. I can’t confirm that it actually was the worst flu ever, but it was the worst flu I’ve had in many years. I could not function and I called in sick to work for the first time in 17ish years. I’ve called in before but…

  • The Week in Review – it sucked.

    Lets start with how the previous story ended. Since the exhaust manifold was stripped out the only thing I could do was replace the whole assembly. Therefore my o2 sensor that cost $110 ended up costing $650 to replace. This includes the new exhaust manifold and the new o2 sensor. A few days later, while…

  • O2 Sensor – how could it go so wrong?

    My o2 sensor died a week before inspection time came around. It was closer to 3 weeks before, but since I didn’t realize that inspection time was in July until the last week it felt like the last week. I had it checked out and they told me that it was the catalytic converter that…

  • Bear Lake 2009 – Too Much Grass

    Bear Lake is the nicest lake in Utah. I say that based on my not actually visiting every lake in Utah, but of the lakes that I have I prefer Bear Lake to the rest. We took a trip up there just a few weeks ago (July 20-21) to camp on the beach and have…