Category: Uncategorized

  • A New House – maybe.

    A new development of houses is being built in Lehi. A friend from my work has purchased a house in this community and was telling me about them. I’ve been trying to get down to Lehi for a few years since it’s 20 minutes closer to my work. Natalie’s been concerned that her commute will…

  • Distant Cousins and my Neighbor

    Last weekend I was on Facebook and I added my neighbor, Kari, to my friends. Kari accepted my friendship and when looking at the friends we had in common (expecting only to find ward members) I saw that she had my cousin Monty on her list. Monty lives in Las Vegas so I was curious…

  • Nothing Special This Week

    This is the third week that I’ve had the Cellulitis in my leg. It’s much much better now. Though my leg is still swollen pretty big. I went to the doctor and she cleared me for running and living a normal life again. Over time the swelling will go down. Beyond that the week was…

  • Cellulitis – The worst infection you’ve never heard of.

    Last Tuesday I woke up with the worlds worst flu. I can’t confirm that it actually was the worst flu ever, but it was the worst flu I’ve had in many years. I could not function and I called in sick to work for the first time in 17ish years. I’ve called in before but…

  • The Week in Review – it sucked.

    Lets start with how the previous story ended. Since the exhaust manifold was stripped out the only thing I could do was replace the whole assembly. Therefore my o2 sensor that cost $110 ended up costing $650 to replace. This includes the new exhaust manifold and the new o2 sensor. A few days later, while…

  • O2 Sensor – how could it go so wrong?

    My o2 sensor died a week before inspection time came around. It was closer to 3 weeks before, but since I didn’t realize that inspection time was in July until the last week it felt like the last week. I had it checked out and they told me that it was the catalytic converter that…

  • Bear Lake 2009 – Too Much Grass

    Bear Lake is the nicest lake in Utah. I say that based on my not actually visiting every lake in Utah, but of the lakes that I have I prefer Bear Lake to the rest. We took a trip up there just a few weeks ago (July 20-21) to camp on the beach and have…

  • Soapstone Camp 2009

    I finally got to go camping this weekend and as luck would have it I was not able to take my voice with me. I managed to get some kind of illness that’s caused me to lose my voice. For the most part I don’t mind too much. It’s saved me from saying most the…

  • Independance Day and Balloons

    This morning, July 3, the kids, the wife and I got up early to head down to Provo for the Freedom Festival. We were aiming to get there by 6:30 am to watch the hot air balloons inflate and lift off. Instead we got their just as the balloons were lifting off, they were about…

  • Temple Openhouse

    In just about 2 months the Oquire Mountain Temple will open. Since we live very close the new temple our stake has the opportunity to volunteer our time to assist in the open house of the temple. A few weeks ago I was asked to direct traffic as it was coming into the parking lot.…